'Rotor', created by Siobhan Davis Dance, includes dance, poetry, installation, video and contemporary composition. The highlight for me was a dance piece 'A series of appointments' choreographed by Siobhan Davis in collaboration with the four dancers in the piece. Performed in silence with the simplest of dance technique, it nevertheless conveyed a whole world of human relations, harmony and discord, fear, confidence and creativity. Characters merged and changed, one might be suddenly stifled, and seek to escape from the group, and at another moment lonely and striving for acceptance. Dancers running together suddenly became competitive, then desperate, then unconcerned. The moments of stillness were breathtaking.
Alongside the performance are some other strong pieces including an amazing installation by Clare Twomy, where unglazed pots are filled with water and gradually collapse, and a very moving poem by Alice Oswald which can be listened to in a small room complete with leather armchair.
A captivating exhibition, which is only on for ten days, and definitely shouldn't be missed.