Monday, 25 July 2011

Installation at Farfield Mill, Sedburgh.

On Tuesday morning I picked up a transit van, loaded it up with 2.5 tonnes of sheets, with the help a few friends, and drove up to Farfield Mill to set up my latest installation.

Building these sheet installations takes time and energy, so I was pleased that Farfield Mill had found me two volunteers, Dan and Jenny, who both had the ideal mixture of patience, creativity and stamina. The three of us, plus my partner B, spent Wednesday and Thursday developing a piece that responded to the local landscape, and the results can be seen below.  We tried to incorporate elements that can be seen in the Howgill Fells, crevasses, shale hillsides, waterfalls, and gentler lowland pasture.  You can see the results here.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Manchester Time Piece - update

We launched Manchester Time Piece in style on Midsummer's Day, 21st June.  With over 400 twitter followers, and lots of media interest, Tern Collective followed the shadow of the Beetham Tower from 7am to 7pm, mostly via maps and shadow plots due to the absence of sun!

During the day we had visits from the press, and were featured in the Guardian and MEN, who created an animated shadow map based on our shadow locations.

The project was also part of the Manchester Art Crawl and we will be hosting a round table discussion about the project on Tuesday 26th July at the Burlington Fine Art Club

We are delighted with how the day went, and are now starting to think about how to document the project, and where it might take us next.